About Me

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I am a 26 year old mother of 1, step mother of 2, full time student, wife, and community services specialist. I teach Sunday school for preschoolers and enjoy it every week. I spend most of my time in front of a computer doing work or school work. I love to spend time with my family doing crafts or hanging out outside. I have been married for five and a half years. We are still searching for our dream home but we have been making our dreams come true one step at a time. My step daughter is almost 8 and is so very smart and beautiful. My step son is 7 and he is arnery and definitly a boy! My daughter is almost 5 and she is growing way too fast. She is spoiled rotten and very demanding. I love my job working with families and children. I am going to school for my Master's degree in School Counseling.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Something Different

I am a facebooker. I am on facebook at least 20 times a day. Between my phone and my computer, I never shut it off. I want something new. I want to try something else. Too often I feel like I actually have something to say but I dont have enough room to post it on facebook. People want a short comment about your life. Well, this will allow me to open up about everything on my mind (to an extent) and explain myself.

First off, I have to start by saying I am not good at finishing little projects that I start. So, diets... ya, they are hard to stick to; workouts... hmmm... ask my eliptical and scale down stairs. I can finish a book however, as long as I never take off more than a day from reading it. I want to keep up with this blog. I want vent and express myself and be able to see how I grow over time. I have so much going on in my life that it is hard sometimes to seperate each issue. Maybe this blog will help me with that. Also, I have considered taking some of my life issues and turning them into a book, altered of course, to a mix between reality and actual events and day dreams or what could have happened instead. I will try to keep those posts seperated.

I intend to "follow" people who I can relate to or who I feel encouraged by. I dont expect everyone or anyone to feel they need to "follow" my blogs.

I want to begin by stating some goals I have. 1. Education: I intend to keep a 3.5 GPA through my schooling in the Masters program. 2. Family: I am going to keep a family night going every week and continue to be the best mother I can be. I am going to take time to spend with my husband. I want to make sure I give it my all, so I never have to doubt what I am doing. Another child may be in the works. 3. Work: I enjoy my job. I love working with kids and families. I am going to continue doing the best I know how to support and encourage the families I work with. I would like to increase the clientel in my area of Iowa. 4. Financial: I plan to keep building my credit back where it needs to be. Carefully. Cautiously. By the end of the year, I want to have a minimum amount of 2 paychecks saved in the bank. (I have never had even one saved.) By April of 2013, I will have chosen a house to buy that is all I want and need. 5. Personal: I am going to take time out everyday to collect my thoughts and evaluate my day. I want to continue to grow spiritually. I want to feel achievement and satisfaction at the end of a week. I will take better care of my body, mind, and soul.

Gees, I wonder how long these are supposed to be. Or how confused I am going to make people reading the blogs. Hmpf. Here we go........!!!

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